Miracles Are Coming to You!

Miracles Are Coming to You!

God is sending a miracle to your life! He also is going to heal the sick through you and bring mighty breakthrough.

God desires to release creative miracles to you and through your life to others. Jesus came preaching the gospel, teaching the good news, healing the sick and setting the oppressed free. These four things are the hallmarks of Christ’s ministry on the earth and as His body we are called to release this same ministry today.

God Creates New Ear Drums!

I’ll never forget the time I was ministering in Mexico in a crusade. During the worship God spoke to my heart that He was going to open deaf ears. As I called it out over the crowd deaf ears began popping open. Then my team brought a young girl onto the platform. When they pulled back her hair I saw that she had no ears at all. She just had two little holes in the side of her head. She was born without ears and without eardrums. How do you heal an ear when there is no ear there? When her feet touched the platform the power of God went through her body and God worked a creative miracle. She heard a popping noise in her ear as God formed ear drums inside of her head. For the first time since birth she could hear!

God wants to activate you to a new level of walking in the miraculous! Here are a few quick keys to seeing miracles released through your life!

• Have revelation from God’s word of His heart and will to heal. Spend time reading the Bible.

• Build your faith up by reading the Gospel accounts of healing in the life of Jesus.

• Read and listen to healing testimonies. This will increase your faith.

• Pray for God’s love to fill your heart. Love activates faith.

• Worship and invite God’s presence and anointing. His anointing does way more than you.

• Pray for the gifts of healing, working of miracles, and gift of faith to be stirred up in you.

• Spend time listening to messages, preaching and teaching that inspire your faith in God’s power.

• Spend time hanging around people who have faith for miracles.

• Spend time receiving from ministries that are operating in miracles. The anointing is transferable!

• Step out and pray for people in the name of Jesus.

I believe in the power of God’s word and presence to release you into the same ministry Jesus operated in while on the earth. You are now His hands and feet. I encourage you to sow MORE of God’s word into your heart. My 4-part teaching set Operating in Creative Miracles will help inspire, equip and empower you to both RECEIVE AND WALK IN God’s miracle power. 

Order today and begin operating in creative miracles!

But to empower you even more to walk in miracles, I'm going to give you my teaching set The Ministry of Divine Healing COMPLETELY FREE!

Special 2 Day Offer!

When you order Operating in Creative Miracles, you will also get my 3 part series The Ministry of Divine Healing COMPLETELY FREE!

YES! I want to receive the 4-part teaching set Operating in Creative Miracles & get my COMPLIMENTARY 3-part teaching set The Ministry of Divine Healing


In this series, Matt shares some powerful revelation from the word of God concerning the heart and nature of God to heal. He answers many of the common misconceptions concerning divine healing and builds a platform from which your faith can be activated to a new level. You will also learn how to operate in the healing anointing and gift of faith, releasing you into a life and ministry of creative miracles.

Teachings Include:
God's Will to Heal
Faith for Creative Miracles
Four Methods of Divine Healing
Releasing the Healing Anointing

Jesus' earthly ministry was characterized by supernatural miracles and divine healing. His ministry continues today through you and through me. In this series, Matt teaches how to operate in the healing anointing and how it is connected to the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit in your life. Matt shares on the indispensable relationship between faith and healing and shares important truths that will help release you into a greater ministry of the supernatural!

Teachings Include:
The Healing Anointing
Faith and Healing
The Three Kinds of Faith


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Please pray that I quite looking at peoples teeth and that the Judgment of God falls on the spirit responsible



Afzal Gill

Many Thanks and Blessings!
Cynthia James

Cynthia James

Dear Matt, Thankyou so much. I can’t wait to read or hear your recent teaching.
Every Blessing,
Cynthia James

Cynthia James

Praying for me and my family that God blesses me and my wife with children and praying that God opens doors for us so that we can live a successful life through God.

Erick Iqbal

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